Day 23: Martin Hayes – Skyline (Dub)

Day 23 of our charity Advent Calendar in aid of Help Musicians.

It’s got to the point where the Christmas parties have begun to take their toll and now all we want is to have the feet up with a healthy fire burning. Aptly, Rose Records co-founder Martin Hayes follows labelmates M.ono & Luvless (on Day 12) to offers us a soft burner for a sore head. Rain trickling and cars brushing through puddles are some of the sounds faintly heard in the background of Hayes’ dub soundscape – sounds that invite the image of a day spent tucked away inside. A synth shimmers beside an endearingly casual twang, wrapping you in its cosy folds while the odd flurry of keys and glitchy vocals spark up the slumbering cinders.

“When I made my track I was thinking of the beach, rainy day walks in the forest and I guess I was in a more melancholic mood. That’s why I included the gull sounds and the water swooshes. The drums, the guitar licks and the chord sounds fitted nicely together so it made sense to me. If anyone wants to drop some lyrics over the instrumental feel free to do.”

Download ‘Skyline’ from our Bandcamp. It’s pay-what-you-like, with all donations going to Help Musicians, a charity that supports musicians in times of crisis.

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