Premiere: Oceanvs Orientalis – Aquatic Ape

Electronic experimentalist Oceanvs Orientalis‘ music contemplates the history of mankind and the universe, a subject of deep interest for the Turkish producer.

These themes manifest on his new album, Ex Nihilo, which seeks to chart the creation of the cosmos through music, from planetary scale to the human dimension. This exploration is translated through different means including the use of field recordings and other forms of musical experimentation, the result of which is a chronological narrative that tells the story of human civilisation and its evolution.

Released via his own imprint Kanto Records, the ten-track journey explores everything from the formation of the solar system to the beginnings of Earth and on our pick, ‘Aquatic Ape’, the evolution of the human form. Through layering organic rhythms and fractured vocals with the sounds and textures of the sea and the jungle, he recreates what it might have been like to exist during that period of creation.


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