Premiere: Surly – Whispers Through The Wall

Surly, originally hailing from New Zealand, is a member of the Californian Juke Bounce Werk crew who takes an experimental approach to his Juke and Footwork productions. Using elements of Polish Jazz he creates a sound that’s refreshingly new, exploring decades gone by and taking Footwork back behind the iron curtain. These jazz influences Surly employs are no coincidence. His father is well-known New Zealand Jazz musician, Tom Ludvigson, who used to play with Krzysztof Ścierański from legendary Polish group, Laboratorium. This knowledge and love for music introduced by his father has played an influential role in shaping Surly’s album, A Trip To Warsaw.

The digital release of the album first came out in May last year on Lodz-based record label Polish Juke garnering an amazing reception. Now London-based label Astigmatic Records, who’s previous releases take in the contemporary jazz motifs of EABS, are getting it out there on wax, and with an extra track for good measure. That’s the premiere we bring you today; ‘Whispers Through The Wall’ kicks off with harmonic jazz vocals before breaking down into an eerie staccato trip enveloped by deep sub bass. 

‘A Trip To Warsaw’ is available now. Cop yours from Bandcamp.


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