Watch Ludovico Einaudi’s iceberg performance to raise awareness for Arctic jeopardy

Transportive is certainly a fitting term to describe the work of renowned pianist and composer Ludovico Einaudi. Yet it would be a serious feat to conjure a scene even half as compelling, as the backdrop for his recent performance from a floating platform in the Arctic Ocean.

Coordinated in conjunction with Greenpeace, the recital aimed to help raise awareness of the the straits faced by the area.

As he begins to play, Einaudi is surrounded by what would be a pristine silence if it were not for unsettling groans of huge ice masses in the distance, leaving behind fissures as they split from their glacial mountain homes into bitter watery depths. A few minutes of unnerving beauty.

Watch the video above and head to the Greenpeace website for more information on the campaign.

Source: The Guardian

For more Ludovico Einaudi on STW:
“The more I write, the more I become curious”: in conversation with Ludovico Einaudi

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