Start-up company Whitestone are looking to launch a new music streaming platform funded through a Kickstarter campaign. The company wish to breathe fresh life into the current online streaming experience which in their opinion is extremely passive and encourages users to “go and do something else”. Their take on the online listening experience takes album artwork one step further. Rather than simply being a square filled shaped neatly fitting the front of a vinyl or CD sleeve, Whitestone introduces and promotes artwork that is “full screen interactive or even 3D”.
To provide this new audio visual experience Whitestone are looking to develop a new streaming platform which allows for full screen album and EP listening experiences where the album artwork comes to life. Another compelling aspect of the platform is that it aims to facilitate the direct support of artists by giving users the option to spontaneously donate a small sum (10 cents) as and when they wish, potentially providing a viable alternative to the much debated financial structures found currently in online streaming services.
Though it does sound quite promising to tackle the flaccid status quo of current digital release consumption, some may argue that this also means people will be watching their screens even more than they currently do.
To get a complete picture of the idea check out the video above. Head over to the website here also for some more information on the project and to find out how you can back the idea yourself.