Walmart Plans to Boost Staff Morale by Playing less Celine Dion

Walmart lrg

With 1.3 million people working in Walmart stores, the corporation are right to want to keep their staff happy. A whole raft of new measures were announced at a meeting last Wednesday that include a more lenient dress code, raising their minimum wage and pay rises in some cases.

According to Fortune, after requests from workers, the best measure to come into force is to do away with “the constant loop of Celine Dion and Justin Bieber music blasted into stores from headquarters”. Instead, the world’s largest retailer will be reinstating Radio Walmart after a 9-year hiatus, which will see in-house DJs keeping things fresh with live soundtracking in every store. Who knows, they might even start booking high profile artists for DJ sets if it proves to be a successful venture. Oh, the possibilities.

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