Curveballs: Charlie Bones

Curveballs is a new series where DJs pick a head-turner that goes against the grain in their set.

Today’s guest: Charlie Bones, captain of Do!! You!!, an NTS cornerstone, record store and now label with their first releases dropping 27th August.

Dog And Fox – Who Gets The Cows? [Do You Records]

“A seemingly ageless record, I’ve playing it for three years and it still sounds freshhhh. I love to drop it in a club and watch everyone stop and have a think, or gurn with their hands up in the air. As yet seemingly undanceable but I know it’s only a matter of time before some beautiful movement evolves to match it.”

Charlie Bones plays the Secretsundaze 17th birthday (Oval Space, 26th Aug), with Floating Points, Waajeed and Carista.

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