Premiere: COUSIN – Welcome

Since beginning life in 2018, Sydney’s Best Effort have been carving out a platform for artists manoeuvring in the realms of dub, percussive and ambient.

After several outings, including solo efforts from Phran and DJ Phidias and Metric Systems, as well two carefully curated V/A releases featuring the likes of D.Tiffany, IVAN, Monika Brooks, Low Flung and COUSIN, they hone in on the latter artist who takes prime position on their next release, Overtime.

Following a track contribution alongside Zosia Kossak on last month’s Stay In Bed compilation, Sydney-based producer COUSIN, who has also previously released music via Moonshoe and OTIS, shares his first solo release for Best Effort, bringing organic dubwise rhythms laced with warped vocal samples and cosmic synth patterns.

In light of current events, this week the label will donate all profits from digital sales to Seed Mob – Australia’s first Indigenous Youth Climate Network.

Overtime is available to purchase on Best Effort’s Bandcamp.

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