This new website can tell you the BPMs of all your records


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They say it’s the little things that count and the statement couldn’t be any truer than with Disconest. With the unveiling of just a few small details on your vinyl records, the new website is set to become the new best friend of countless vinyl DJs. Able to retrieve the structural metadata from Echonest databases, Disconest can give you the key, time signature and most importantly the BPM of records found on the Discogs catalogue.

Search with either direct search terms or by copying your Discogs url in the site’s search bar, or you can niftily add Disconest as a bookmark that will lead you to the song information direct from a Discogs page. Disconest will also give you links to Spotify, Youtube and even an option to buy via Juno, however we can’t promise the data will always work for all your super rare treasures.

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The lack of a resource like this obviously hasn’t stopped great DJs who know their record collection inside out. But now with the ability to glance over your BPMs it will make things just that tad easier when making that choice in the moment.

Source: The Vinyl Factory

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