How much would you pay for Andrew Weatherall’s beard?

© Theo Cottle© Theo Cottle

As iconic as Michael Jackson’s diamond-encrusted glove or Elvis’ quiff, Andrew Weatherall has been known in recent years for the luscious beard he has cultivated. After deciding it was time for a little makeover, his beard went up for sale on eBay with bids starting at only 99p. Now currently at £19,000, it’s unclear whether its ‘used’ condition is pushing the price up or down.

The seller is keen to highlight the benefits of owning the ‘exquisite collectors item and a true iconic piece of bonafide >120bpm ‘trappin’s’ associated with the artist‘. Still at under 20k, everyone will clearly see that it’s an absolute steal. Place those bids before the cutoff on the 10th Feb!

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